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In order to submit and view incident reports, view a list pf the types of incidents to report and to read safer practice notices, you must have a username and password.
For UK chiropractors, these can be obtained from the secure membership area of your association’s website or from the Royal College of Chiropractors website (if you are a member) – please click the relevant link below:
- British Chiropractic Association
- The Royal College of Chiropractors
- McTimoney Chiropractic Association
- Scottish Chiropractic Association
- United Chiropractic Association
All non-UK ECU members can obtain secure access details from their national association.
Chiropractors in Australasia can obtain secure access details from COCA.
Chiropractors based elsewhere who would like to access CPiRLS should speak to their professional association and ask them to contact the CPiRLS team.
Providing access details in this way helps to ensure that only chiropractors participate.